Understanding Lyme Disease

Patient Stories

Marek Kaminski

  • Hip Replacement
  • 10/09/2023
Marek Kaminski

My hip has been sore for a decade and it was time to get it fixed. I am so glad I called Healthcare Abroad.

Biodro bolało mnie przez dekadę i nadszedł czas, aby to naprawić. Bardzo się cieszę, że zadzwoniłem do HealthcareAbroad.ie

When Polish national Marek Kaminski lost his job at Stafford Fuels in New Ross in July, he was devastated for his colleagues, himself and the Stafford family. But after working there for 18 years, it also gave Marek an opportunity to finally focus on his own health. “It was sad,” says Marek about the job losses which have hit the coal business across Ireland as carbon taxes and the inflation crisis saw sales dwindle. “I was sorry for everyone who lost their jobs. It was heavy work but I loved it and I enjoyed working with my colleagues there. “But it is also why I am here in Spain now, to get my hip fixed.” X-rays had shown that Marek, who is 51, was having serious issues with his right hip and that it needed replaced. His radiological report in Ireland reads: “Advanced degenerative changes in the right hip joint with complete loss of the superolateral joint space, subchondral sclerosis and marginal osteophyte formation.”

Marek says losing his job gave him the opportunity to finally get fixed. “I had been in pain for 10 years and now it’s gone,” says Marek, after his surgery. “I cannot thank Healthcare Abroad enough. They are amazing people. They looked after everything for me. The surgeon Dr Jan Henkel was absolutely superb. I can’t thank him and everyone else enough. I cannot really find the words to truly express how incredible it has all been.

“Każdemu, kto odczuwa ból w Irlandii, powiedziałbym, aby natychmiast zadzwonił do Healthcare Abroad.”

  • Marek Kamiński udał się do Hiszpanii w ramach opieki zdrowotnej za granicą w ramach unijnego programu dyrektywy transgranicznej. HSE zwróci mu wszystkie koszty leczenia około 16 tygodni po powrocie do Irlandii.
  • Healthcare Abroad to jedyna irlandzka agencja, której pacjenci przyznali 5 gwiazdek i która co miesiąc opiekuje się większą liczbą pacjentów w swoich szpitalach w UE niż jakakolwiek inna.
  • Możesz przeczytać więcej opinii pacjentów w naszych mediach społecznościowych i zapoznać się z relacjami medialnymi na naszej stronie internetowej tutaj: https://healthcareabroad.ie
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