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Patient Stories

Jennifer Pierce

  • Bariatric Surgeries
  • 23/03/2024
Jennifer Pierce

Jennifer Pierce, from Cork, underwent knee replacement surgery in Denia, Spain, with Healthcare Abroad last April. Delighted with her experience, she returned the following month for weight loss surgery, opting for a gastric bypass.
After hearing about Healthcare Abroad on her local radio station, Jennifer appreciated the thorough care provided by the team, including consultations with a psychologist and dietitian. Dr. Alberola performed the surgery at HCB Denia Hospital, where Jennifer praised the excellent aftercare and support from the carer team.
Jennifer encourages others considering weight loss surgery to choose Healthcare Abroad for their expertise and paperwork assistance.
Overall, Jennifer describes the private hospital in Spain as a first-class health system and encourages others in pain in Ireland to follow her path and return to a full and pain-free life.