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- info@healthcareabroad.ie
Dr. Jorge Alió del Barrio
- Specialist Physician in the Cornea and Ocular Surface, Refractive and Cataract Surgery Departments at Vissum Miranza Group (2015-Present).
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Madrid (2008).
- Medical Intern: ranked 56 (Medical Internship Examinations (MIR) 2009; over 12,000 candidates).
- Specialist Physician in Ophthalmology. Ramón y Cajal University Hospital (2013).
- Fellowship: Cornea & Adnexal. Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital (2014).
- PhD in Medicine and Surgery: University of Alcalá de Henares. Classification: Summa cum Laude (2014).
- Fellowship: Cornea & External Diseases. Moorfields Eye Hospital (2015).
- Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology Specialist Diploma in Cataract & Refractive Surgery (FEBOS-CR). European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (2018).
Teaching Activity
- Positive Assessment: Appointed PhD Professor and Adjunct PhD Professor (2016).
- Honorific Professor. Department of Pathology and Surgery: Ophthalmology. Miguel Hernández University (2014-2018).
- Associate Professor. Department of Pathology and Surgery: Ophthalmology. Miguel Hernández University (2018-present). FEBO examiner (2018 & 2019)
- Course Coordinator: “Alicante Refractiva Internacional” ARI (from 2017-present).
- Collaborator in Master’s Degree courses: 3.
- Joint head of the online University Expert course “Clinical Methodology in Refractive, Cataract and Corneal Surgery”.
Scientific and Research Activity
- Articles Published in Indexed Journals with Impact Factor: 57 (including: 1x Lancet; 7x AJO; 11x Cornea; 1x JCRS; 3x JRS, 2x Exp Eye Res; 2x BJO; 1x Survey; and 1x IOVS, among others).
- Articles currently in Peer Review in Indexed Journals with Impact Factor: 8.
- Chapters of Books Published: 36 (26 in international books; 6 additional chapters currently being published).
- Editor or Coeditor of International Books: 3.
- Editor or Coeditor of National Books: 1 (SEO 2020 Round Table).
- Abstracts at National Congresses: 47.
- Abstracts at International Congresses: 92.
- Director of Doctoral Theses: 2 (another 3 currently being developed).
- Tutorship of dissertations: 1.
- Reviewer of Peer Reviewed Journals: EJO, BJO, Exp Eye Res, Cornea, Clin&Exp Ophthalmology…
- International Research Journals: 7 (including: ARVO x1; Eucornea x3; AAO x1 and WOC x1).
- National Research Journals: 4.
- Others: Academic Excellence Grant (Community of Madrid): 4 (2004-2007).