Meet Dr. Lucas Kleijn - Hip Operations Specialist

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Dr. Jorge Alió del Barrio

Career Specialist Physician in the Cornea and Ocular Surface, Refractive and Cataract Surgery Departments at Vissum Miranza Group (2015-Present). Training Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Madrid (2008). Medical Intern: ranked 56 (Medical Internship Examinations (MIR) 2009; over 12,000 candidates). Specialist Physician in Ophthalmology. Ramón y Cajal University Hospital (2013). Fellowship:…

Dr. Pedro Amat

Career Specialist physician in ophthalmology at the Vissum Miranza Clinic, Alicante. 2006-present. -Posterior segment section head at Vissum Alicante. 2013-2016. Attending ophthalmology physician at Marina Baixa Hospital (Villajoyosa). 2003-2006. -Specialist Physician in Ophthalmology at Palomares Clinic. 2003-2006. Membership Ophthalmologist specialising in vitreous retina, cataracts, general ophthalmology, uveitis. Member of RETICS (2013-2017). Vice chairman of the…

Dr. Alejandra Amesty

Career Medical director at Vissum Grupo Miranza, July 2016 – present. Specialities – Oculoplastic Aesthetics and oculofacial rejuvenation, dry eye Membership Medical Director at Vissum Alicante Grupo Miranza. Specialist in eyelid, eyeball and tear duct surgery. Member of the Spanish Society of Ocular and Orbital Plastic Surgery (SECPOO); of the Spanish Ophthalmology Society (SEO) and…

Dr. Jorge Alió Sanz

Career Resident Medical Intern (MIR), Department of Ophthalmology, La Concepción Clinic, Jiménez Díaz Foundation. Autonomous University of Madrid (1977-1980) Attending Physician, “Miguel Servet” Hospital in Zaragoza (1980-1982). Head of Section, General University Hospital of Salamanca (1982-1986). Founder of the Ophthalmology Institute of Alicante (1995). Founder of the Jorgé Alió Foundation (1995). Founder of the VISSUM…

Dr. Elena Arrondo

Professional Career Dr Elena Arrondo is an ophthalmologist member of the Glaucoma Department of IMO and a Lecturer in the Glaucoma Master’s Degree of the IMO and the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She specialises in glaucoma and the optic nerve with a special interest in medical and surgical treatment of…

Dr. Alfonso Castanera

Career Director of the Paediatric ophthalmology and Strabismus section at San Juan de Dios Hospital (Barcelona, 1973 -1981). Director at the Castanera Institute of Ophthalmology (Barcelona, 1973 -1988). Director at the Institute of Paediatric Ophthalmology (Barcelona, 1988 – 2014). Director at the Balearic Islands Ophthalmology Institute (Palma de Mallorca, 2014 – present). Membership Member of…

Dr. José Luis Güell

Professional Career Founding partner and doctor specialising in cornea and refractive surgery at the Ocular Microsurgery Institute (IMO), spokesperson for IMO Foundation and professor on the Master’s Course in the Anterior Segment and the Master’s Course on Cornea and Refractive Surgery run by IMO. Coordinator and professor for the ESASO’s Cornea and Refractive Surgery Department….

Dr. Javier Mendicute

Career Department Head, Ophthalmology Department at Donostia University Hospital, part of the Basque Health Service-Osakidetza. San Sebastian, from September 2002. Department Head, Ophthalmology Department at Gipuzkoa Hospital, part of the Basque Health Service-Osakidetza. San Sebastian, from February 1994 to September 2002. Acting Department Head, Ophthalmology Department at Gipuzkoa Hospital in San Sebastian, part of the…

Dr. Jose Alberto Muiños

Career Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre in Barcelona. 1985 – 1991 Las Américas Hospital, Tenerife. 1991 – 1992. Ophthalmology Department Head at the USP Costa Adeje Hospital, Tenerife. 1992 – 2010 Co-Director at the Amigó-Muiños Ophthalmology Institute, 1994 – 2005 Medical director at the Muiños y Asociados Ophthalmology Centre. 2005 – 2009 Medical director at Innova Ocular…

Dr. Rafael Navarro

Professional Career Partner and doctor specialising in the retina at the Ocular Microsurgery Institute, spokesperson for IMO Foundation and associate professor on the Master’s Course in Retina and Vitreous run by IMO and the Faculty of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, as well as a part-time teacher on the retina modules at the…