Meet Dr. Lucas Kleijn - Hip Operations Specialist

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Dr Ana Azevedo

Areas of activity: General surgery, laparoscopic surgery, proctology, colorectal and proctological surgery, cancer of the colon and rectum, inflammatory bowel disease, closure of colostomies and ileostomies, perianal fistulas   Career at Hospital da Luz General surgeon of the Hospital da Luz network since 2004 FORMATION Degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the…

Dr. Antonio Alberola

Biography Dr. Alberola has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Medicine of Valencia, specialising in General and Digestive Surgery at the Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. He has completed several Doctorate courses at the University of Valencia and holds a University Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery from the University of Montpellier (FRANCE),…

Dr. Martin Johan Rongen

Biography Dr. Martin Johan Rongen was born in Venlo, the Netherlands. He attended medical school at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. After obtaining his medical degree, he served as a medical officer in the Royal Dutch Army. From May 1996 he worked as a colorectal research fellow under the supervision of Professor CGMI Baeten….